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Letter to Michael



YHus. 1494 adj. 11 Martzo jn Brabant bej . . . (2)

Mein frewntlichen grußß vnnd willigen dinßt mit ßambt allem gutten das Ich vermag Lieber Vetter das es dir mit ßambt der deine vnnd meine geßwißtergten wol ging vnnd geßunt wert das wer mir ein ßunderling Frewdt zu hörn, Lieber Vetter Jch main Euch allen ßey wol wißßent das Jch in dem Jar vergangen wol got hab deß Lob mit Leib vnnd allem meinen Gutt vber mer kommen bin Jn portogal vnnd Jn uns Landt zu meinen lieben Herrn Schweher vnnd allen den vnßern welche bej der Gracien gottes Jch allen Jn gutten Püntten funden hab. Nun Jn deßen Jar bin Jch wideromme vom Konig hier in Flandern zum Konigs ßun (3) hier geßchigt worden Jn Welcher reiß auff dem mer Jch gefangen wurdt vnnd in engelandt gefüret mit ßambt mein dinern allem Zergelt das lecht 160 gulten wart behalten bej iij monadt omme des Jungen Konigs von engelant (4) der ytzt bei dem romßchen Kongk (5) ißt omme das man In hier haußt und hoft etc. In welcher Zeit ich febres vercregh vnd zwir dj Kertz Jn der hant het omme zu ßterben etc. vnnd nach dem Ich frißch wurdt het mich ein merauber heimlichen allein int Jn franckreich auff ein nacht Jn ßeinem ßchiff weck gefurtt Ich wer geßchacht worden vmb vil gutes aber got hat lob Jch bin wol ontgangen mit cleiner Koßtung vnnd febres haben mich von den genaden deß almechtigen ßchir verloßßen vnd vermain ob got will zwischen oßtern vnd pfingßten (6) wider heim ßo paldt vnßer Zucker von meinen her ßwecher hir bezalt wirt etc. Furpas meiner geßchwißtergt halben zweifelt mir nit du kereßt alding zum allerpeßten vnnd halt, ßi ßein dir gefolgig vnnd es wer gegen dir vnd deinen der tag eins erkant Jn allen gutten (7) Jch bit dich zu laßßen grußßen di zwo ßchweßter Jm cloßtern auch all mein geßchwißtergt und ßchwager. Jch hab noch nit ßchrift von Jn gehabt doromb weeßt ich auff dj Zeit kein antwurt bis auff den negßten potten. Deinem Weib mutter vnd allen deinen kindern wünßch Jch Hail vnnd gelückßelickeit vnd vns allen, datum am dinßtag nach Letare Jherußallem anno 1494.

Ob mir ymat ycht wolt ßchreiben der mag dj briff beßtellen des Konigks von portogals factor hie zu antwerp oder hir zu brüg der ßol mir ßie Jn vns lant wol beßtellen vnd die vberschrift der brieff an mich müßßen Jn latein Sein alßo Dño. Martino Boheimo Militi, In Vlißbona alemano, regni portogalie, genero capitanij Inßularum azores faial et pico et Inßularum flemengorum, vbi vbi fit etc. (10) ßo werden ßie mir geantwurt bej dem factor alle monat wan der factor wondt neben der Velj hauß zu antorff. Alßo durch der Velj diner zu antorff mogen mir Eur briff wol beßtelt worden ob mir ymat Jcht ßchreiben wurd. hirmit ßo ßej der almechtig got mit Euch allen.


zu deinen Dinßt alzeit berejt.


Lieber Vetter. Nach datum dißßes brieffs ßo moßt Jch Eylantts gen portigal alßo das mir dißßer belib Vnd Jch Jn mit mir wegk furtt, alßo pin Jch anderwerßß Jn portogal wol kommen got lob zu meinem ßchweche vnnd biß auff pfingßten [18. Mai] wert Jch do bleiben wilt Gott. Doctor Jeronimus (12) wirt euch allen wol ßagen wie daß Es mit mir Stedt grußt mir alle geßwißtergit. Sag Vlrich Futterer Jch bit Jn das er mir ßchreib gen Jenua von dar wirt man mir gen Vlixboa dj briff Jn di ilha de madera wol beßtellen vnd alßo fortt Jn dj ilhas dos azores vnd grußt mir jn fleißßiglich vnd laßt mich wißßen an wen Jch zu Jenua ßol ßchreiben das dem futterer mein brißß mogen weren Vnd Jn welche gaßße vnd wie der mann haißt, hiemit ßei got mit Euch allen. Amen.

Dem erbrigen vnd weißen Michel Beheim Seniori meinem lieben Vetern Zu Nurmberg an der Zißtelgaßße.



JHS. 1494, March 11, in Brabant, with . . . .

My friendly greeting and willing service with all the good in my power!

Dear Cousin, I was especially pleased to hear that thou and thine, as also my sisters and brothers, are well and in health. Dear Cousin, I think you all know that last year, praised be the Lord, I crossed the sea with all my belongings to Portugal and our country, and my dear father-in-law and all of ours whom, by God's grace, I found well in all respects. In this year the King again sent me into Flanders to the King's son. In crossing the sea I was captured and taken into England, together with my servants and all the money I had to pay my expenses, amounting to quite 160 gulden. I was detained for about three months on account of the young King of England,7 who is at present with the King of the Romans,8 so that he may live and keep his court here, etc. During that time I caught a fever, and twice I had a lighted taper in my hand, expecting to die, etc. When I was well again, a pirate one night carried me secretly in his ship to France. I was much damaged in property, but, praise be to God, I got away at small expense. The fever, through the mercy of the Almighty, has quite left me, and, God willing, I hope to start for home between Easter and Whitsuntide, as soon as my father-in-law's sugar shall have been paid for, etc. Further, as to my sisters and brothers, I do not doubt, thou dost the best in all things, that they obey thee, and this will be recognised one day. I pray you to give greetings to my two sisters in the convent, also to all my brothers and sisters (Geschwister)(8) and to my brother-in-law. I have had no letter from them, and therefore defer a reply until the departure of the next messenger. I wish all blessings and happiness to thy wife, thy mother and all thy children, and to all of ours. Dated on the Tuesday after Laetare Jerusalem, in the year 1494.(9) [March 11, 1494.]

If any of you desire to write to me now let them address the letter to the factor of the King of Portugal, here at Antwerp, or here at Brügge, who will forward it, and the superscription should be in Latin, thus: Dno. Martino Boheimo Militi, in Ulisbona alemano, regni Portogalie, genero capitanij Inßularum azores faial et pico et Inßularum flemengorum vbi vbi fit, etc. and the factor will then forward them every month. The factor lives in the house next to that of the Velj at Antwerp. The servants of the Velj at Antwerp will forward your letters if any of you write to me. God the Almighty be with you all!


at all times at thy service.


Dear Cousin, after the date of this letter I was obliged to hasten back to Portugal, and this letter remaining in my hands, I took it away with me. Thus I came once more to Portugal, praise God, and joined my father-in-law, and shall remain here until Whitsuntide [May 18]. Doctor Jeronimus(11) will tell you all how things are with me. Give greetings to all sisters and brothers. Tell Ulrich Futterer to write to me to (via) Genoa, whence my letters will be forwarded by way of Lisbon to the Ilha de Madeira and so on to the Ilhas dos Azores, and greet him warmly, and let me know to whom I am to write at Genoa in order that my letters may reach him, and to what street and what is the man's name. Herewith be God with you all. Amen.

To the hon. and sapient Michel Beheim, sen., my dear cousin, at Nuremberg, in Zistel Street (now 4 Dürer Street).


(1) First published by Murr, p. 132. See p. 43. back

(2) Perhaps, mit Velj, at Antwerp. back

(3) The Archduke Philip, son of Maximilian. back

(4) The impostor Perkin Warbeck. back

(5) Maximilian I., Römischer König. back

(6) March 30 to May 18. back

(7) I have done the best to render the sense of this sentence. back

(8) There is no word in English for Geschwister. In 1494 there lived at Nürnberg two brothers (Stephen and Michael) and three sisters (Ursula, who had married U. Futterer, Elsbeth and Magdalen, who were in convents) of Martin Behaim. One brother, Wolf, resided at Lyon (1491-98). back

(9) Laetare Jerusalem, "Rejoice ye with Jerusalem" (Isaiah lxvi. 10), the first words of an Introit. back

(10) To the Lord Martin Behaim, the German Knight, in Lisbon, Kingdom of Portugal, son-in-law of the Captain of the islands Fayal and Pico, of the Azores, and of the island of the Flemings, wherever he be. back

(11) Hieronymus Monetarius or Müntzer only arrived at Lisbon at the end of November, 1494, and already left again on December 2. back

(12) Hieronymus Monetarius or Müntzer kam Ende November 1494 nach Lissabon, und reiste schon am 2. December von dort ab. back

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